WAB - Waldorf Astoria Beijing
WAB stands for Waldorf Astoria Beijing
Here you will find, what does WAB stand for in Hospitality under Industry category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Waldorf Astoria Beijing? Waldorf Astoria Beijing can be abbreviated as WAB What does WAB stand for? WAB stands for Waldorf Astoria Beijing. What does Waldorf Astoria Beijing mean?The China based company is located in Peking, Beijing engaged in hospitality industry.
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Alternative definitions of WAB
- Western Academy Of Beijing
- Web Address Book
- Westinghouse Air Brake Company
- Web Application Builder
- Norfolk Southern Railway Company
- World Association for Buiatrics
- We Are Best
- Wabag, Papua New Guinea
View 32 other definitions of WAB on the main acronym page
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- WW The Williamsburg Winery
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